Ways to Know You’ve Found the Right House
Almost every home buyer has fears about making the wrong decision as they look for a new home. Here are some signs to recognize that the “right home” has come along.
You want to go inside. This is a sign that something about this particular house appeals to you.
The moment you enter, the house embraces you. You feel the warmth and comfort and imagine yourself living there.
The home meets your basic needs list… enough bedrooms for your family, a great kitchen, close to work, or other needs that are important to you.
You see yourself in the home and know what furniture would go whereas you go from room to room.
You feel like you want to stop looking at other houses because other houses you’ve seen don’t compare to this home.
You know that you can afford the house without squeezing your budget to make the monthly payments.
You don’t want to leave and can’t wait to tell your friends and family about the house.
Don’t second guess your instincts. When you find the “right home” – one that caters to your needs and makes you and your family happy – you’ll know!
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